Loan Protection
A New Car Loan Is Better When It's Protected
When you drive off the lot with your new car, you are expecting to have it for a very long time, but sometimes the unexpected happens.
If your car breaks down or is in an accident often without protection the buyer is still responsible for the remainder of the loan. To help our members avoid these problems Wauna Credit Union offers a variety of Loan Protection Services, we also offer Debt Protection on our Credit Cards.
Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP)
GAP covers the balance of your loan if your vehicle is totaled in an accident. Purchasing GAP from Wauna Credit Union will save you a great deal of money over plans purchased at the Auto Dealership.
Mechanical Breakdown Protection (MBP)
Also known as Mechanical Breakdown Insurance, this covers your vehicle expenses in the event of major engine malfunction.
Debt Protection
Wauna Credit Union offers Debt Protection for our Credit Cards. In the event you experience illness, death, or loss of income, Debt Protection will cover your card payment and debt.
Learn More: Download the Credit Guard brochure
Ask your loan officer or Wauna Credit Union staff member about any of these services.