The Dangers of Large Cash Withdrawal

As our valued member we want you to know we care about your financial well-being and protecting you. Some things we would like you to consider before withdrawing large sums of cash:

  • Your funds are safer at Wauna Credit Union. Wauna Credit Union is an NCUA insured institution and therefore your funds on deposit are also insured under the NCUA rules and regulations.
  • Wauna Credit Union can do nothing to protect your money once you withdraw the cash. Should cash be lost, you are robbed, or it gets destroyed you are accepting all of the risk and it cannot be replaced.
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends contactless payments. Paying with other means than handling paper currency eliminates the potential spread of COVID-19. Wauna Credit Union offers debit and credit cards, mobile payment, online bill-pay, and person to person payments through the mobile app.

We ask you to please be safe and consider other methods of conducting your business to protect yourself, loved ones, and your hard-earned cash.