Youth Accounts


Jump Start Savings

A savings account designed with youth in mind. Get the children in your life a head start on a sound financial future. This account enjoys a high yield on the first $500 in the account, with the remainder still earning a competitive rate. There is no minimum balance to open a Jump Start Savings account. It is open to anyone under 17 years of age.

Certificate Accounts:

Certificates are great investing tools to help the youth of our membership fulfill their dreams. For only $500, you can reap the benefit of a great certificate rate.

Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA):

Coverdell Education Savings Account or Coverdell ESA, formerly known as an Education IRA. It is a tax-advantaged investment account in the Woman graduatingUnited States designed to encourage savings to cover future education expenses (elementary, secondary or college), such as tuition, books, uniforms, etc.

For more information on Coverdell Accounts, please call 800-773-3236.




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